-Oscar Wilde
I was reading the last two comments/questions along with the quote I put in to the post, titled; "What a man wants in a woman?" and I realized something that might be coincidence or just my imagination running faster than is should, you tell me...
So upon reading your comments and answering to the best of my knowledge, I realized the first obvious point; all readers, I assume were female, and secondly; all seem to have questions surrounding this Mr. Charming yet unstable phantom like young man. He's oh so charming, yet not consistent, he fades in and out? Correct so far? Good, first we must examine why you as a woman feel the need to have this constant charm around. You see, I'm not choosing sides, but in a sense, you have been brain washed! Yes, I said it! Brain washed! You indulge yourself in a fantasy world of movies, books and elaborate tales of never-ending romances that quite simply are fictional. Based on a 'true story' or not, the key word is 'based' and even so its very skewed to get the audience attentive to what they want portrayed and taken in.
So in a nut shell, no man you meet on the street is going to be your Romeo, Johnny Castle, Edward Cullen, Noah Calhoun, Me, Aladdin or so on... If he is, great! Let him sweep you off you feet, but know that even the greatest of janitors work hard at what they do and sweeping is a job, everyone needs a break at some point. So cut him some slack, try to understand that you're comparing a mere mortal with a character created by the mind of fantasy and probably a woman projecting her ideal prince charming. (That all of you relate to, of course.)
To answer your questions, maybe he's tired of being the nice guy to no avail! As mentioned in a previous post, sometimes men need an occasional ego booster, tell him he's doing a good job and maybe give him credit and a break for being a gentleman and trying. Also, I do not attempt to know it all, and every situation, maybe he's just an asshole but you women put up a defensive wall that's nearly impenetrable. That wall, combined with the expectations of meeting the qualifications of your fantasy character make for pretty big shoes to fill. (Included in your wall is also that smug ideal that you as a woman have to keep up this tough facade that causes you to laugh at things that aren't funny, or act overly nonchalant when something is important to you just to name a few...)
Men can be romantic and sweep you off your feet but remember life is not a movie, there are ups and downs and real life issues that people struggle with, give him a chance to romance you in spaced out intervals and I promise things will work out, maybe.
TRUST ME, sort of.