Monday, June 15, 2009


You're right! There's no poll up! I want to hear you're questions! (Or your poll ideas)

Secondly, the person you're with has cheated in the past with another and is now being a sketch ball, you have tried communication and aren't getting much. You have very little options and you may not like them at all; one is, you do nothing, this will hurt but trying and trying repetitively will eventually burn you out and have you stressed beyond belief. Waiting it out is a personal choice, but then again so is happiness- so you choose?! Stay or go... yea yea, its not that easy, I know but life is short, point and laugh at it!

Closing; he or she is being sketchy and talking it out is not helping, use your gut instinct and make a decision, it difficult to help hear with out knowing the dealing of the sketchiness... (if you want to say more I'll comment after you reply to this post)

Trust me.


  1. i have been thinking of moving on for a while but its still care... but i am not happy. I want to move on but i just dont know how to just move on i feel like if i dont find something i will end up running back to him. im conflicted.

  2. i was reading this and have a question of my own...
    what do you do if you are single and are talking to a guy that is usually a player and in the beginning was so charming but then changes all of a sudden and becomes distant. i might be to blame of moving things quickly but would that make someone be uninterested so suddenly. or could it be because they are yet to get the booty?

  3. okk i have a question also... what do u do if u are a single girl and want to have fun but u have a previous boyfriend just come back to ur life and now stalks u ?

  4. Comment #1, re-read what you wrote and tell me what your first problem is, I'll wait... No? Nothing yet? Okay, here it is; "if i dont find something..." What you're looking for is not a something, but rather a someone! Once your realize that first, things MAY become easier. Secondly, moving on is not something you plan, it just happens whether its rushed or not. If you know he's not for you, going back to him would just be settling, you'll be okay and find someone to treat you better if thats possible and what you really want!

    Comment #2: A couple of answers why, two of which you already listed, you may have been pushing too hard, too fast or he's lost interest because he didn't get what he wants. Like always though everything is not that clear cut and simple, some other suggestions are maybe he got distracted by something in his personal life, maybe you've done something wrong you don't want to share with me for obvious reasons (you don't TRUST me, ha) or you weren't doing your job to win him over and lock him down! After all you said you two were 'talking' no together, that would have been a different story so maybe his charm was only extended until yours faded. As always, I say, talk to him, ask what happen... all it take is one sparks to light that flame again. Lastly, to the player comment and I encourage ALL TO READ THIS PART; usually does not imply always, the past is the past you may not be able to forgive and forget but the past is the past, leave it there!

    "We are all players in this game of life and love, unfortunately, none of us know the rules, some even argue; that there aren't any."

  5. Comment #3: You are young and single, enjoy your life! If he's stalking you tell him to get a grip and move on, if that does not work so easily, which it won't lol, try telling him you have someone else. Besides his fury and hurt he'll have no choice but to leave you be. Unless he's a raving manic and you fear for his hurting this pretend new guy just made-up. In this case you're screwed! No, just kidding, if he really loves you and cares, tell him that you are happy with out him, this will usually trigger the; "I guess i have to let you be happy even if it's not with me" That should work unless I'm your ex boyfriend... and in that case I'M NOT BUYING IT!!!!

    Trust me, SORT OF-

  6. Hey... im new to this and I have a question... what do u do when a guy you are talking to all of a sudden stops contacting you. Its weird the situtation is simalr to that of comment 2 before. but i havent done anything to push him away i just hate when a guy is so charming and always contacting you and then all of a sudden decides he doesnt feel the need to contact you even though he wants to get to know u... whats ur opinion?

  7. I am wondering are all guys weird or is just me because this guys always asks me to chill with him and then always bails out last minute .... if u dont want to go why ask? im so confused... arghhh
