Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why people cheat?

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -Oscar Wilde

Oh boy, what a question to tackle...

First off, if you want to know the reason people cheat we can start by looking in the mirror, don't worry I'll explain, eventually-

Overall, and from gathered inquiries we can come to the assumption that people cheat for "many" reasons but to my knowledge; fear and need. (Maybe a bit more but we'll discuss that later) Moving on, you may begin to ask fear? What about fear would have someone cheat... simple; insecurities. If someone has been in a relationship in the past where their partner was unfaithful they may be filled with insecurities. Unconscious insecurities, but insecurities nonetheless, or they just might not have developed the inner confidence necessary to remain in a healthy relationship and that's their fault!

Hooooooooowever! The second reason is indeed need; physical and emotional. The warning here is that if something is missing, or displaced between partners, without communication, someone is bound to cheat! Because whether we like it or not, if we don't do our job, someone will definitely step it to take our place. Sexual activity and contact is important because you are not the only one that can do it, no matter how good you think you are! So try to avoid long periods without it, secondly don't neglect your partner or their needs because someone else won't and you partner will know this, and lastly make sure your partner is satisfied! The variety is important so that sex doesn't become redundant and scarce in quantity leaving your partner looking for it somewhere else. Sex is great but I also mentioned an emotional component to need. It is important to keep open communication with your partner telling them what you need and to hear what they need.. i.e. certain activities with one another, trust, and like Maslow's hierarchy of needs; the need to be desired, accepted and loved... SAY IT MORE, but not to much.

Women remember, men aren't mind readers, and men, know that just because she smiles and looks amazing does not mean she is happy...

Change is the key element to everything! Don't be bored in your relationship, if you are, GET OUT!

We can go on forever but I rather take questions... hope this helps- but mind you some people are just hornballs with no consideration for others, sorry, it happens...

TRUST ME, sort of.


  1. hope you practice what you preach! good stuff

  2. This is a real interesting point of view i never thought of it like that.

  3. hmmm interesting

  4. OKK writer where have u been im waiting hereee!!

  5. Im anxious for whats next :)

  6. Whats upp?? update us NOW!!!
